Investasi Pada Diri Sendiri

Investasi Pada Diri Sendiri

Profesional yang berhasil adalah mereka yang meyakini bahwa tanggung-jawab untuk masa depan ada di tangan dirinya sendiri. More »

Berpikir Positif

Berpikir Positif

Hidup akan menjadi baik kalau memandangnya dari segi yang baik. More »

Dibalik Gemercik Hujan

Dibalik Gemercik Hujan

Dari rintik hujankita dapat belajar apa itu kesetiaan, pengorbanan, perjuangan, kepatuhan. Belajar memberi tanpa diminta serta belajar menerima meski dibenci. More »

Mengenang Permainan Anak Tempo Doeloe

Mengenang Permainan Anak Tempo Doeloe

Permainan anak dahulu kaya akan unsur imajinasi, kerja sama, dan pertemanan. Berpotensi membentuk kepedulian sosial, interaksi sosial dan kepekaan sosial. More »

A Man’s Life is What His Thought Make of It

A Man’s Life is What His Thought Make of It

Kehidupan manusia “a man’s life” adalah bagaimana mereka memikirkannya More »


About The Winner of American Idol Season 7

I’ve been waiting for my dreams
To turn into something
I could believe in
And looking for that
Magic rainbow
On the horizon
I couldn’t see it
Until I let go
Gave into love and watched all the bitterness burn
Now I’m coming alive
Body and soul
And feelin’ my world start to turn

Make me laugh, Lumayan lucu

Make me laugh!

20 May is recordmaking day in Indonesia, where every date of 20 May is National Evocation’s day.

When, a moment most people invite to humanity to awaken from existing condition, I had different condition, feel sad, feel confuse are mingle.

Make me laughSilent moments like this, that I searching is only entertainment amusement, things that can eliminate boredom. Will write also likely lazy. When without intentionally, I find flash file and quotation from a film, finally laughter also. Laughed by it self, funny, coincidence is alone become nothing that see. If there is that see, serious condition it to be. Will be predicted like amnesia people. Heuheu…

Interesting Story about Seed of Rambutan

Seed of Rambutan!

Every eat “Rambutan” fruit, usually we don’t care to its seed and directly throw away it except to one who haves desire to plant it.

Seed of RambutanReturned that all, in the reality seed of “Rambutan” there is its benefit for health. Its benefit is referred as relate to stability of blood sugar-content. According to experts, seed of “Rambutan” have benefit hipoglikemik, that is degrade level of high blood glucose. If has been positive diabetes, drink stew of rambutan seed regularly can degrades blood sugar-content. In other hand, must lessen sweet food consumption too, experience sport regularly, and when needed, drink drugs to degrade blood sugar-content.

Seed of Rambutan!

Biji-biji tersebut bermanfaat untuk menurunkan kadar gula darah yang cukup tinggi akibat kencing manis. Setelah dicuci bersih, biji rambutan dikeringkan dengan bantuan sinar matahari. Saat gula darah melonjak, tumbuk 5 biji rambutan sampai halus. Rebus dengan 3 gelas air sampai menyusut setengahnya. Minum air rebusannya 2 kali sehari, pagi dan sore, sampai kadar gula darah normal kembali.”

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Develop thankfulness

Develop thankfulness

About develop thankfulness!

Develop thankfulness! If we feel have not yet can thank goodness in heartfelt, let’s is learning from now.

This tip sharpens feel heartfelt and our liver sensitivity of kindliness or things which are positive around us.

  • Everyday things that make us feel thanks, for example day by day we not hit stuck on the way to office or to campus, neighbour suddenly sends delicious food though day by day we no time cook, at that time we become race winner, etc.
  • Conduct everything heartily, for example conveniently friend that ask help, rather than with on the warpath or give they hearting advise.
  • Render thanks heartfelt to one who day by day has helped us (although we not recognize it). Our body motion or body attitude implies our feeling.
  • Enjoy and our thanks if coincidence are residing in a beautiful place or in lovely community environment.
  • Every situation that either or ugly, at ownself and realize, “What meaning for us?” Especially if we experience of ugly occurence, don’t blame Almighty, but, sure that occurence there is means its for us.

That’s about develop thankfulness!