Investasi Pada Diri Sendiri

Investasi Pada Diri Sendiri

Profesional yang berhasil adalah mereka yang meyakini bahwa tanggung-jawab untuk masa depan ada di tangan dirinya sendiri. More »

Berpikir Positif

Berpikir Positif

Hidup akan menjadi baik kalau memandangnya dari segi yang baik. More »

Dibalik Gemercik Hujan

Dibalik Gemercik Hujan

Dari rintik hujankita dapat belajar apa itu kesetiaan, pengorbanan, perjuangan, kepatuhan. Belajar memberi tanpa diminta serta belajar menerima meski dibenci. More »

Mengenang Permainan Anak Tempo Doeloe

Mengenang Permainan Anak Tempo Doeloe

Permainan anak dahulu kaya akan unsur imajinasi, kerja sama, dan pertemanan. Berpotensi membentuk kepedulian sosial, interaksi sosial dan kepekaan sosial. More »

A Man’s Life is What His Thought Make of It

A Man’s Life is What His Thought Make of It

Kehidupan manusia “a man’s life” adalah bagaimana mereka memikirkannya More »


Tip dan Trik Dasar Instalasi Windows yang Mudah

Sebagai lanjutan dari tulisan Tip dan Trik Dasar Windows , diawali dengan contoh “Tip dan Trik Dasar Instalasi Windows yang Mudah Menyenangkan”.

Adapun instalasi program yang ada kebanyakan berasal dari situs resmi Microsoft, sehingga kecil kemungkinannya program-program ini menyebabkan error di Pc. Jadi jangan ragu, ikuti terus tip dan trik dasar pada Windows yang jarang terungkap!

Tip dan Trik Dasar Windows

Tip dan Trik Dasar WindowsTerdapat beberapa tip dan trik dasar yang inginnya dituliskan disini, berhubung waktunya kurang mendukung, akan saya coba tuangkan sebagian-sebagian, mudah-mudahan dapat tertuangkan dilain kesempatan dan ada manfaatnya. Temukan tip dan trik dasar windows, yang sangat mudah dan aman untuk dilakukan bahkan oleh pemula sekalipun.

Setelah menginstalasi Windows dan aplikasi-aplikasi lain yang dibutuhkan ke dalam komputer, ada beberapa hal yang seharusnya dilakukan. Di antaranya adalah melakukan beberapa hal untuk mempercepat serta mempermudah kinerja komputer. Misalnya, mengatur agar komputer bisa restart lebih cepat, atau memunculkan menu tersembunyi, menggunakan shortcut untuk akses lebih cepat dan lain sebagainya.

About Strategies for Search Engine Optimization

Still relating to Seo where a lot of breakdown about Search Engine Optimization with a purpose to improve quality of blog so that easy to be recognized seeking machine. Besides article about Concept of Search Engine Optimization which had been written down some times ago, Actually still many article again which able to be studied to increase traffic of own web or blog.

A web site does not stop with ownership. Work has to be done such as getting it optimized for search engines. Your web site has to be made search engine friendly, that is to say, it must meet certain expectations of the “crawlers” or “spiders” of search engines. The index that these crawlers have created will be used in ascertaining the status of your web site in terms of relevancy to the requests of users.

Good strategies for search engine optimization that should be fully implemented include the following:

Credible domain name. Acquire a domain name that is not too long or difficult to remember. It should relate to the content of your web site. Within the domain name, there should preferably be keywords that a crawler will understand. Abbreviations, dashes, underscores, numerals and other meaningless characters should all be avoided. Always opt for a .com name if possible, simply because it is a more common term that customers think of.

Comprehends the Concept of Search Engine Optimization

Learning to optimize a website or blog for search engines takes time and patience. Start by applying basic search engine optimization principles. cause I’m new to website optimization, I try to begin by prioritizing which pages are most important to me. I hope, find myself moving up the rankings soon.

For the matter of that, I try looks for and studies some articles about that, one of them is like under this:

Although the concept of search engine optimization can be somewhat complex, there are a number of basic search engine optimization techniques you can use to improve your organic search results. Keep the following in mind when trying to achieve top rankings for your website.

Awareness to Action

Awareness to ActionMost would agree that the task of leading people from lack of awareness to action is a huge undertaking. Implementing a communications system, based on the principles of the communications continuum, can be an enormous assist. Using this system, a communications office can advance the work of the school in achieving a desired action – from an increase in enrollment applications to breaking into a new market to changing how the school is perceived in the community.

Awareness to Action!

The system rests on the foundational truth that attitudes and beliefs cause action. Success in achieving an action the school desires is inextricably tied to how successfully beliefs and attitudes have been formed to predispose a constituent or constituency to act. Actions caused by beliefs and attitudes occur based on information that people
1. Receive
2. Understand, and
3. Become convinced of

This process of moving people from awareness to action is called the communications continuum.