

Do you wish the world were better?
Let me tell you what to do.
Set a watch upon your actions.
Keep them always straight and true.
Rid your mind of selfish motives.
Let your thoughts be clean and high.
You can make a little Eden of the sphere you occupy.

Do you wish the world were wiser?
Well, suppose you make a start,
By accumulating wisdom in the scrapbook of your heart;
Do not waste one page on folly;
Live to learn, and learn to live.
if you want to give men knowledge,
You must get it, ere you give.

Do you wish the world were happy?
Then remember day by day
Just to scatter seeds of kindness, As you pass along the way,
For the pleasures of the many may be ofttimes traced to one.
As the hand that plants an acorn shelters armies from the sun.


Kau berharap dunia yang lebih baik?
Kuberitahu caranya
Atur lakumu agar tetap di jalur benar dan lurus
Buang perasaan egois,
jadikan pikiranmu bersih dan tinggi
Maka kau bisa ciptakan surga kecil di tempat yang kau singgahi

Kau berharap dunia lebih bijak?
Baiklah. Mari kita mulai
Kumpulkan kebijaksanaan dalam lembaran hatimu
Jangan sedikit pun habiskan halaman demi kebodohan
Hiduplah untuk belajardan belajarlah untuk kehidupan
Jika kau ingin berbagi pengetahuan, bersegeralah lakukan

Kau berharap dunia lebih menyenangkan?
Ingat-ingatlah setiap hari
Tebarkan benih kebaikan saat lewati melangkah
Dan pasti satu di antaranya ada kebaikan untuk seseorang
Bagai tangan yang menanam benih pohon Ek
tempat balatentara beriindung dari sengatan mentari.


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